Le Conseil scolaire de district de la région de Waterloo a mis en place une nouvelle page et un nouveau formulaire de plainte en matière de droits de la personne afin que les parents et les élèves puissent maintenant faire directement ainsi rapport aux questions relatives aux droits de la personne auprès du conseil. Certains…
Category: Uncategorised
Waterloo Public School Board – Human Rights Complaints
The Waterloo Region District School Board has rolled out a new Human Rights complaint page and form so parents and students can now bring up Human Rights issues directly with the board. Some of the issues that SCS has seen include: Playing theistic lyrics of “O Canada” over the PA system in the morning or…
Accommodation Request – Demand pour l’accommodement – WRDSB
En français ci-dessous Request for Accommodations for Non-believing Students in the Waterloo Region District School Board submitted by:Doug Thomas, President Secular Connexion Séculière Summary Our secular humanist philosophy holds that individuals can be good without god(s) and that secular humanists, and non-believers in general, have the right to freedom from religion in public places. The…
SCS an Official Lobby Group
A New Reason to Donate to Secular Connexion Séculière SCS is now a registered lobby group with the Ontario Government. Now we can talk directly, on the record, to government officials and ministers about the things that concern us: Respect for the right to freedom from religion in public schools – instrumental versions only of…
Response to Hon. Jody Wilson-Raybould re: the government’s response to Petition E-1264
April 23, 2018 The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada’s House of Commons, Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6 RE: PETITION NO .: 421-02118 – Mr. Tabbara, March 1, 2018 (petition E-1264) Dear Minister Wilson-Raybould: I have read your response to petition E-1264 and I am concerned about the reasoning behind the…
SCS President’s Response to Canadian Heritage Committee Report on Systemic Discrimination
Having received and read a copy of the report of the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, Taking Action Against Systemic Racism and Religious Discrimination Including Islamophobia, I feel compelled to register several objections to the actions of the committee and to the report itself. The choice of the standing committee to hear only from witnesses…
Canadian Heritage Committee Report on Hearings re: Systemic Racial & Religious Discrimination
The complete report on these hearings is available at: http://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/42-1/CHPC/report-10
Submission To Canadian Heritage Committee re: Systemic Racial and Religious Discrimination
Submission to: The Canadian Heritage Committee Regarding: Systemic and social discrimination against atheists in Canada. Whereas: The Committee on Canadian Heritage is studying religious discrimination in Canada, and the International Humanist and Ethical Union (www.iheu.org) has identified Canada as a nation that systemically discriminates against atheists, and social discrimination against atheists also exists, often at…
E-petition – Investigation of Systemic Discrimination Against Atheists
On September 14 SCS’ e-petition asking for an investigation into systemic discrimination against atheists was approved and published. Please sign before January 12 at 14:23. Link to sign: https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-1264 Le 14 septembre, la pétition électronique de la SCS demandant une enquête sur la discrimination systémique à l’égard des athées a été approuvée et publiée. Veuillez…
June 6, 2017 The Minister of Justice introduces bill C-51 to repeal section 296 among other sections of the Criminal Code of Canada. Le ministre de la justice présente le projet de loi c-51 abrogeant l’article 296 parmi les autres articles du Code criminel du Canada.