SCS is operated entirely by volunteers and depends entirely on donations to operate. SCS is the only humanist organization with a lobbyist registered with the Canadian Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying. SCS can lobby for specific change in legislation and for specific content in legislation as well as directly lobby for specific government actions. Our pledge to you is that all funds will be used to further the defence of the human rights of non-believers.
Donate to “Sgt Bob’s”* Human Rights Appeal Fund
For years, “Bob”* has suffered systemic and systematic discrimination from the Calgary Police Services. He launched a thoroughly documented complaint to the Alberta Human rights Commission in 2021, only to have the Commission claim he didn’t launch it until 2023 and that many incidents had happened before the one year limitation period.(?!) Recently, The Commission has refused to hear his case so “Sgt. Bob” has no option except to launch an expensive legal appeal through the courts. This case is important to us all because it is a Charter of Rights and Freedoms case and will send a warning to all other government entities that they can not discriminate in this manner.
*”Sgt. Bob” is a pseudonym necessary to protect a real person’s privacy. SCS and CFIC have both verified the legitimacy of his complaint by examining copies of the documents he has submitted to the Human Rights Commission.
Please donate by e-transfer to Put your email and “Supporting Sgt. Bob” in the memo section. We will forward the funds directly to “Sgt. Bob” for his use, send you a receipt, and an update on the amount raised.
Donate to the Operation of SCS
Now you can donate using an e-transfer to It is an autodeposit so you don’t need to set up a code. You can make a one-time donation or set up a monthly donation from your account. Be sure to enter your email address, and province or territory in the message section so we can send you a receipt, and activity updates.
You can make a one-time donation or set up a monthly donation. A $5.00 per month donation will make a considerable difference. Please add your province or territory to the information.
Please mail a cheque made out to “Secular Connexion Séculière” to:
59 Arthur Street North
Elmira ON N3B 2A1
Please include a note giving us your contact email, and province or territory