With SCS membership you will gain:
- Access to a communications group for Canadian Humanists –
- our blog, specific social media
- shared knowledge from Humanist groups across Canada
- knowledge of national programs
- access to and participation in International Humanist and Ethical Union activities
- discounts on Canadian Freethinker Magazine and CF Digital Weekly
- Support for your concerns as a Canadian
- Human rights at home and abroad (through International Humanist and Ethical Union)
- Charity contacts – vetted by SCS executive for effectiveness
- Support for lobbying efforts of SCS
- Open Secularism program
- MP awareness program
Membership Fees:
- Single: $35 per year
- Household: $65 per year
- Senior – Single: $29.75 per year
- Senior – Household: $54.50 per year
- Student: $20 per year
* Senior – ages 65 and up